Refget Servers MUST respond with adequate error codes for every error condition. Error conditions are documented in a hierarchical manner, i.e. first check are shown first.

Generic Error Conditions

These conditions are first line of checks, failing these conditions would result in the specified error, no matter other parameters.

Case 1

ID not found When ID provided in the request doesn't match any of the checksums of any sequence, server must throw a 404 Not Found error

GET /sequence/some1111garbage11111id/
HTTP/1.1 404 Not Found
Case 2

Unsupported media type by the server When media type requested by the client in the Accept header is not supported by the server, server must throw a 406 Not Acceptable error

GET /sequence/6681ac2f62509cfc220d78751b8dc524
Accept : text/exotic-encoding
HTTP/1.1 406 Not Acceptable

Error Conditions while using start / end parameters

Circular or non-circular sequence

Important Points:

  • CASE 4 of this section is only for servers which DO NOT support circular sequences.
Case 1

When Range header is also passed along with start or end or both parameters, server must throw a 400 Bad Request error even if both are retrieving the same sequence or sub-sequence with a valid identifier and valid encoding.

GET /sequence/6681ac2f62509cfc220d78751b8dc524/?start=10&end=20
Range: bytes=10-19

HTTP/1.1 400 Bad Request
Case 2

start and end are 32 bit-unsigned integers, on receiving any invalid value, server must throw a 400 Bad Request error.

GET /sequence/6681ac2f62509cfc220d78751b8dc524/?start=abc&end=20


GET /sequence/6681ac2f62509cfc220d78751b8dc524/?start=-10&end=-29


GET /sequence/6681ac2f62509cfc220d78751b8dc524/?start=abc
HTTP/1.1 400 Bad Request
Case 3

Start and end are specified. start >= size of sequence OR end > size of the sequence Server must throw a 416 Range Not Satisfiable error. 6681ac2f62509cfc220d78751b8dc524 is a non-circular sequence; size = 230218 3332ed720ac7eaa9b3655c06f6b9e196 is a circular sequence; size = 5386

GET /sequence/6681ac2f62509cfc220d78751b8dc524/?start=230218&end=230218


GET /sequence/6681ac2f62509cfc220d78751b8dc524/?start=67&end=230219


GET /sequence/6681ac2f62509cfc220d78751b8dc524/?start=230218&end=230219


GET /sequence/3332ed720ac7eaa9b3655c06f6b9e196/?start=5386&end=5
HTTP/1.1 416 Range Not Satisfiable
Case 4

Note : Only for servers which do NOT support circular sequence start > end; Server MUST respond with a 501 Not Implemented error regardless of the type of sequence (circular or non-circular).

GET /sequence/6681ac2f62509cfc220d78751b8dc524/?start=220218&end=671
HTTP/1.1 501 Not Implemented

Non-circular sequence

Important Points:

  • CASE 1 of this section is only for servers which support circular sequences.
Case 1

Note : Only for servers which supports circular sequence start > end; But since sequence is not circular, server must throe a 416 Range Not Satisfiable error.

GET /sequence/6681ac2f62509cfc220d78751b8dc524/?start=220218&end=671
HTTP/1.1 416 Range Not Satisfiable

Error Conditions while using Range header

Notation: Range: bytes=first-byte-spec - last-byte-spec For example : Range: bytes=5-10. Here 5 is first-byte-spec and 10 is last-byte-spec.

Circular or non-circular sequence

Case 1

When start or end or both parameters are also passed along with Range header, server must throw a 400 Bad Request error even if both are retrieving the same sequence or sub-sequence with a valid identifier and valid encoding.

GET /sequence/6681ac2f62509cfc220d78751b8dc524/?start=10&end=20
Range: bytes=10-19

HTTP/1.1 400 Bad Request
Case 2

first-byte-spec and last-byte-spec are integers, on receiving any invalid value, server must throw a 400 Bad Request error. On receiving only one of the first-byte-spec or last-byte-spec, server must throw a 400 Bad Request error. On receiving any unit other than bytes, server must throw a 400 Bad Request. If run on a squid proxy server, these tests will be skipped due to squid stripping out badly formatted headers.

GET /sequence/6681ac2f62509cfc220d78751b8dc524/
Range: units=10-19


GET /sequence/6681ac2f62509cfc220d78751b8dc524/
Range: bytes=ab-19


GET /sequence/6681ac2f62509cfc220d78751b8dc524/
Range: bytes=-10-19


GET /sequence/6681ac2f62509cfc220d78751b8dc524/
Range: bytes=10--19


GET /sequence/6681ac2f62509cfc220d78751b8dc524/
Range: bytes=10-
HTTP/1.1 400 Bad Request
Case 3

first-byte-spec >= size of sequence

Regardless of the type of sequence (circular or non-circular) since first-byte-spec is inclusive and server must throw a 400 Bad Request error. Size of the sequence is 230218.

GET /sequence/6681ac2f62509cfc220d78751b8dc524/
Range: bytes=230218-230218


GET /sequence/6681ac2f62509cfc220d78751b8dc524/
Range: bytes=9999999-999999999999
HTTP/1.1 400 Bad Request
Case 4

first-byte-spec > last-byte-spec As stated in success response section, Range header must not be used to retrieve sub-sequences of a circular sequences across the origin. Server must throw a 416 Range Not Satisfiable error. Even if the sequence is non-circular and first-byte-spec > last-byte-spec, server must throw a 416 Range Not Satisfiable error.

GET /sequence/3332ed720ac7eaa9b3655c06f6b9e196/
Range: bytes=5200-56
HTTP/1.1 416 Range Not Satisfiable